Wednesday 25 March 2020

Lock down to look within


~Lock down to look within~ 

According to me, the 21 days of the lock down which has such a negative undertone actually is a blessing in disguise, as it can be utilized to recharge both ourselves and our family values. 

All families put together make a community, and all communities put together make the nation.

Now that we have a complete lock down from all outside activities, let's think how we can come up with new ideas to unlock our potential as a responsible parent, intelligent professional and a good citizen. 

Let's join hands to build up a bond between all the members around us, starting with our family, our parents and friends. And definitely making some new, starting with the neighbours, because remember they will be the nearest to call on when you are in need. No Facebook or Instagram friend would be available at the moment when you would require one the most. 

Let's begin with the family
According to the shashtras to inculcate any good habit requires 21 days of practice. So, you could have not asked for more, as, we now have time off from work and other pursuits, and have the opportunity to spend time together with our loved ones. This is the time when we can set things right by doing our small mundane and ordinary activities extra-ordinarily. Let me give some examples to understand this better. 

  1. We can plan our daily activities so well that we can go early to bed. Early to rise means a lot of time to exercise with children. 

  1. Chanting few mantras early in the morning and explaining it to our kids can be a good idea. Actually, in the olden days it was taught to children by the father and called as sandhyavandanam. Let's attempt it. 

  1. having breakfast and other meals cooked at home together, very slowly and gently with prayers like bhramharpanam bhramhahavi. Every morsel of food to be taken with due reverence for the person who cooked it and for the person who is eating it. Let the food become part and parcel of your every cell. 

  1. take time for yourself so as to contemplate those bygone years, the struggles undergone to get to where you are today, the race in which you were unknowingly or knowingly involved. Think beyond the business, think more about your inner self. Think how can I better and elevate myself from where I am now. Do I require help from friends or family or a guru? 

  1. Everyone is talented, I am sure we miss our hobbies. Thanks to the lockdown we now have ample and quality time to reflect on them. Re-live through them, revive those hobbies however small it may be like gardening, writing or painting. You have no excuse for them. 

  1. Look into your old albums and sort them out, albums I mean not just those photos, but memories which may be stored somewhere away like on your desktop or in the wardrobe. Clean them, cleanse them, cherish them. 

Well I can go all the way, but you can add on this on similar lines and make a timetable just as you did when you were a student. After all we are student of this subject called life. 

About the community

  1. let's have clear plans on the security, the maids and the vendors

  1. Let's gather in small numbers for an early morning walk while ensuring a safe one metre distance. 

  1. let's throw online challenges on Skype, Whatsapp or other social apps where you can motivate others

  1. let's make our area clean and tidy by spending time together, in silence working for the garden the compost and such things. 

  1. let's pray because that's the only medicine I know which is working on the virus. Let's pray for our community health. Let's chant mantras together if possible, if not, maybe on a loud speaker. We can purify the air by homam arranged in a common area. 

  1. Let's help those who need it the most, I mean our older generation. Helping them like getting essential medicines or may be getting them out once in a while, Or even a short phone call to know how they are doing can be very assuring.

Let's unite mentally and stay focused on what's in our hands, rather than fretting on thoughts like - is there any treatment or is there any vaccine or what will happen in the future.  Because as this virus has lots of ego, it will not enter into our house until we invite it. Let's make an attempt, a sincere one to improve first ourselves then the family and the community. And you guessed it right if we even achieve 50% in there, we would have a far better nation with peaceful and loving beings and nature all around. 

Jai hind.

Dr Sachin Chavre 
Plastic surgeon
Bangalore 560100
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